Monday, July 18, 2011

Mist coming from A/C vent in my Hyundai Tucson?

While driving in January I took the car in because I saw a mist coming from my A/C vents while driving with it on. Took it in & off course they said nothing was wrong with it. Now I am smelling fumes like gas (I'm not sure what it is) from time to time from the A/C vents also and this morning I saw the mist again & turned off the A/C. I took my car to a mechanic & he said there is a leak causing the A/C to act that way. When I took it the dealership again they said nothing's wrong with it. Has anyone ever heard of that issue before or experienced it?

How to stop farting as often and not smelling as bad?

How old are you? I noticed something similar happened to me when I turned 27. My friend did as well. Our bodies stopped producing lactase, the enzyme used to break down lactose in dairy products. Might be something to pay attention to. Maybe check out this site to help raise any other awareness to your problem. I use it all the time.

Second chapter of my novel?

I didn't read your first chapter, but if you really want to publish a series of chapters, you should go on online websites lke booksie....I think.

WHow do I install Magix Movie Edit Pro 15?

I had a desktop computer and i bought Magix Movie Edit Pro 15, but I got rid of that computer and got a netbook. Unfortunately, I cannot install the CD program because netbooks don't have CD ports, so i was wondering is there any way to download the full version online and type in the product serial code. I know I can buy a USB CD port, but I think there should be another way online that I can't figure out. Please answer ASAP

Why can't i find dr. dre's new single "die hard"?

i looked everywhere but can't find more than a snippet of it. it supposedly came out during the big fight which was back on may 6th. please somebody gimme a link to the full song

I'm not able to see any videos. The sound is okay, but the picture is not there.?

If the cursor is moved around I get snippets of the video. Tried updating flash and javascript, to no avail. Any suggestions?

My down and right arrow isnt working.?

they were working earlier today then they were being a little weird i.e i would have to tap it over and over to scroll down instead of just holding it. then i tried moving the line to edit a word and it wasn't working. so i looked it up and found that i had to clean it. so i popped em open and cleaned them out. put them back is and now they arent working. my keyboard driver is up to date. anyone know how i could fix this? it will be much much appreciated. thank you

Repeatedly scary dream?

I have had this dream for the past 5 nights now and it is really creeping me out. i wake up in a misty forest. every tree is dead. i walk along to a house. there is an old woman sitting out side in a rocking chair. She has massive red eyes. she just looks at you. still in the 'dead forest' it all is. i go into the house, dunno why, but i do, anyway, i walk in and it is really dust and gloomy. no light. i walk up the stairs and they creak loudly. It is hard to breath as the dust is really thick. no idea how the dead skin got there (sarcasm) so i walk up stairs, and there is an open landing. the stairs collapse and the woman is standing there and floats off, with a dark cloud of mist bineth her. i carry on walking. icome to a door (very broken and dark) i look down and see a trail of blood. i look up and the woman (no red glowing eyes) jump right into my face, black then i wake up, normal time, just wake up? evil spirit mby? im will choose best answer

What should I eat while I'm getting over a stomach issue?

Last night, I drank more than I should've, but I felt fine! This morning I must've puked at least 10 times. All liquid, since I hadn't eaten much. I tried to eat one measly cracker and I threw it up :/ I finally stopped puking every 20 minutes and had 2 pieces of wheat toast, and then later I had some chicken noodle soup and plain noodles. I also had some sierra mist. And I'm drinking lots of water, as I know throwing up probably took a lot of fluid away from my body. But what I'm wondering now is what I should eat because I'm sick of eating carbs! I don't want anymore noodles or crackers or toast or bread! Please help :)

Muslim woman sues Abercrombie & Fitch over hijab?

Another freeloader, welcome to the US where the freebies abound ! This lazy woman who is being told to do this by her lazy husband. Shouldn't she be stoned if she speaks with a male customer? Or, is she wanting just some of the Muslim freedoms and laws? Funny how they certainly believe in lawsuits! Part of having a job is wearing the clothesor uniform the employe says not what she wants to wear. She may have worn the rag in the interview but she did not work there at the time. Who would employ themselves at a place with such a high profile for THE AMERICAN LOOK.. then Scream victim???? due to my religious beliefs, i am forbidden from having any muslim touch my purchases, so you must submit to my beliefs, i demand it! yeah, sure. At least she doesn't have to worry about being stoned here. America needs to adopt the belief of Australia.. Your welcome to come and live amoung.. but the moment you are no longer willing to conform to our basic standards... GO HOME.. This is America..but using our fore-father's statements, misconstruing them for YOUR advantage is old.. GO HOME.. where life is "less miserable". If the Muslims don't like the American policies then by all means they need to go back to their country where they have so many more freedoms!!!!!!! I'm going to openly admit that if I see a muslim in a store I leave. I feel like they're traitors in our mist sort of thing. I do not trust them. I won't even fly because I won't sit next to one. Look at what they do to their own people, even in THIS COUNTRY, and tell me why they should be accepted and trusted. THE COMPANY SHOULD NOT HAVE HIRED HER----- THEY NEED SOME NEW HR PEOPLE---IT IS OUR RIGHT TO DISCRIMINATE AGAINST ANY ONE---ESPECIALLY THE PEOPLE WHO HATE THIS COUNTRY----DISRESPECT THIS COUNTRY---ESPECIALLY THE MUSLIMS---On second thought , maybe they should keep that lice infested head covered ! You never now what new disease is lurking under that filth . If it looks as bad as it smells it must really be contagious. You ever do an arab chick? They are o.k. once you shave their vaginas and underarms and wash them with soap and water underneath there. In this particular case, she does'nt have any grounds for a law suit whatsoever. This company did not discriminate her. If they discriminated her, they would have never hired her in the first place. They hired her, gave her a chance, and then when she would'nt go by the dress code, she was fired. It has nothing to do with discrimination.

Is the Victoria Secret "Vixen Body Mist" new?

I don't know if the VS Sexy Little Things, Vixen fragrance is new or not. So did it just come out or has it been out. I don't want it to discontinue!!!!!!! When did it come out? When will it be discontinued?

I am creating a youtube contest entry video.. what are the best ways to make my video look professional?

I'm entering the contest to try and win two tickets to a private parachute concert. I'm a musician and find their music so beautiful, I would really love to talk to them for inspiration. How can I make my video look professional? Any lighting tips or anthing similar to that matter? How can I make it extremely interesting? I really want to express the emotional impact their songs have on me very well, so I want to have this whole "slow motion" theme going on. How would I go about doing this in a movie editing software? I really want to win this, and I want my video to be something that is honest and beautiful. any suggestions? thanks in advance.

Which small animal would make the best pet for me?

You sound like the perfect candidate to be a rat owner! They're smart, easy to care for, interactive and affectionate. Their day to day cost is fairly inexpensive too. Honeslty, your description of the type of pet you want would be rats, hands down. I'd suggest males since they're more laI'd back and cuddley :)

How do I hold on or move on to a love I'm unsure of?

I been with my sons father for six yrs n we had a disasterous breakup with him cheatin on me... He never knew that I cheated on him too but I moved 3 hrs away n now he's beggin for me n our son to come back. He wants us to still be together but within the mist of that Ive been gettin into wit his family mostly females alot.. It makes me feel more distant because I'm not close or cool with his sisters anymore or cousins they all wanna fight me over small stuff cuz there grown kids.. Anyway he always sticks up for me but at the same time says he's not in it cuz he hates drama but that's the main reason y I don wanna continue because I don wanna b into it with his Fam even though were cool I don know if he will change what should I do?

Intake manifold bad smoke smell sweet?

when my intake manifold was bad in the winter id see a little mist and it smell sweet plus coolant loss so now its fixed but idk y but there like a thin light mist that comes out the oil and from the front of the manifold it was in back and front back stoped just front now what could it be plus i just flused the coolant its A 97 MALIBU V6 3100 SFI

What type of Photoshop is right for me?

I need something that can edit photos, make basic ads, and that can help create professional photos. I'm looking at the different types of Photoshop, but I'm not sure what to get. Any suggestions??

Hearing voices before I fall asleep...?

Over the past month I've become aware of certain voices that I have been hearing right as I am about to fall asleep. I do not remember ever hearing them before until recently. I know there are scientific reasons as to why one may hallucinate or hear things as they are dozing off, but some of the chatter I hear is not always random, it's almost as if this voice is speaking to me. Its a dull, lulling, almost creepy female (I think) voice... sometimes I catch the voice in snippets of conversation, but once it realizes I'm listening it will say something to me. Last night I remember it saying "I will never hurt you, Alexis." I am never afraid of these voices, but once I hear them - I get up right away. Mind you, I'm pretty much an atheist... However, my mom believes herself to be a somewhat clairvoyant individual and I have a lot of dead relatives. I don't know if this can be explained scientifically or in any other way. I would just like some input. Thanks.

Is it possible to recover my long term memory loss?

I'm 57 and I have a very bad memory, always have had. Some say it could be from sleep deprivation or depression. I can only remember snippets of events from the past, but I have lots of great photos luckily.

How to convert wtv. to avi file?

I need to convert an .wtv file to any file that will be compatible to use with a Sony editing program(such as avi). I don't know is the .dvr-ms format will work for it or not. I need to convert it without loosing any quality at all. Any ideas how to do this?

When you post your code, could you please host it on Pastebin?

If you're going to post your code in the programming section, could you make it easier for you and me to read the code by pasting it at a href="" rel="nofollow" or some other snippet hosting service? Thanks.

Looking for a good makeup fixing spray/mist that wont break the bank?

Kind of like MAC's fixative spray- but not as expensive ? I also want it to be good and not half a** !! Any recommendations?? Thanks :)

How to avoid feeling guilty and embarrassed after a night of drinking?

It would help if you could promise to yourself that you are not going to drink so much again and you need to believe that this time you are going to keep that promise.Then you should erase that bad moment of your mind and move on,we all had our fair share of bad times in our lives where the only thing we wanted was to just be vanished out of everyones sight,but then when we use to think about those moments after some time has passed we all realize that although we acted stupid,the whole situation could have been a lot worst.I think you should just be happy and grateful because the situation could have turned out to be worst(i can think of many other possible senarios that could have happen and i guess so do you) and move one with your life.Learn of your mistakes of the past and use what you learned in order to live a better future.

How to to keep my sim on sims 3 skinny and not fat?

ok so i adopted this kid and now his and grown up my idea for him was to be athletic and fit looking hard cord sports guy but he always gets fat and iv tried the body shape changing thing he gos back to normal. I've tried testingcheatsenabled shift chick him and edit sim in create and sim and put im back to skinny and all the way buff and ripped, his master athletic skill and i have fast metabolism on him but nothing stays the next thing he does it gos right back to fat (literally if he opens a book the fat comes right back not just eating) idk what esle too its really annoying if anybody got any other ideas that might work let me know plz :)

Kick-*** movie question?

The "red mist" become a different Hero thing idk. Anyway is he a good or bad guy at the end.

How can I make some money off the internet?

Can you guys give me some ideas or links for making money online? I'm 14 years old and I'm very good with computers. I can moderate a forum, edit video, handle a webpage, and many other things. I am a hardworker and good at taking directions. I also play a lot of video games so something relating to gaming would be preferable. I'm also not looking for a 30k per year job I just want to make a little spending money.

Am I jealous? or Justified?

I am currently engaged to a man whom had 2 children previously by two different woman. The oldest child we only see maybe 4x a year, due to his schedule and his mother. The other son who is 5 now, we see more than EVERY WEEKEND. I have a child from a previous relation & together we have another child. Here is where the trouble begins. His youngest son comes over every weekend, but doesn't acknowledge the things I do for him. His father hasn't worked since we had our child in Feb 2010. I work 40 hours a week, I supply clothes when needed, thou even when I buy them they end up at his mothers and she doesnt return them, even after I ask NUMEROUS times. She apologizes the day of and promises to bring them back, but I have YET to see any of them. I supply his Christmas at our house, yes for 4 children, on one (1) income, and its not the greatest income. My fiance drinks and smokes and I provide for that as well, when I am barely getting by with the bills. to assure that everyone is happy and provided for. I plan group vacations and the only thank you I get from his son, is FORCED, becuase his father forces him. He won't give me a hug, unless its forced. He is rude and when I tell him to do something he wont, or he will ask his father again. Its like I am fighting a losing battle. His father & I love each other and yes we fight & argue. I tend to zap out, when I have a bad day at work and I come home and the house is a mess or things are done like they are suppose to be done, but thats normal, right?! Don't get me wrong I love his son to death, but there are times when I think its his mother's doing. I have a feeling, and Im not the only one whom has noticed or assumed the same, that his son's mother wants my fiance back. His father and I will mention us getting married and me being his step mom and he will say well you aren't married yet so you aren't my step mom. Then, I will be flirting play fight with his father and straddle him on the couch and pin his hands up like we are play fighting and his son will jump right into the middle. I will tell him to back up, its just daddy and I play fighting right now; and not 2 mins later is he latched onto his fathers arm yes while I have his(fathers) hand saying I love you daddy. But yet 10 mins ago you guys were play fighting and you stopped b/c you were tired, once I start any initmate contact with his father, he gets right into the middle of it. Or recently we went on vacation and I paid for the entire trip, food, lodging, waterpark, arcade and extras, and he kept telling his father Thank you, thou his father would tell him I paid for everything, his son would say " well she doesnt pay for my moms house " Really?! So here is when I got to ask if I was out of line ... on our way back from vacation my fiance and I got into an arguement, becuase I was beginning to see that he is very disrespectful and unapprecitive too. So in the mist of us fighting his son is "LAUGHING" at me, as I tell his father to cut it out its not funny, you need to stop. His father is going on and on knowing its getting me and his son is just laughing. So eventually he pushs me to edge and tells me that he doesnt care, he could name 5 girls to replace me so I stopped my vehicle and told him to get the **** OUT OF MY CAR, call one of his BITCHES to come get him and don't worry your son can go with you. So he told me no, so I told him son to get out of my car since he wanted to be rude, he could go with his father, his father said NO again. So I hopped out of the car and proceeded to his sons door and opened it and went to reach for the buckle, when his father jumped out of the car and became physical. Needless to say he apologized later but said I was attacking his son to get at him. Though in a way he was right, I also did it b/c I was tired of being disrespected by a CHILD. whom I have NO BLOOD relation to, but treat like my own. So his father asked me if I was jealous ?! Is this what it is .. am I jealous of his son?! I'm not sure if its me with the issue or him and his son ... Mind you this is a man whom says he'd rather spend "our" wedding night with the kids, instead of us alone ... This is also the man whom sleeps on the couch when his son sleeps over, thou his son has a bed & I have seen him spoon with his son in a way that he use to spoon with me, but no longer does. I told him if he doesnt want to be with me, just let me go. But he says he loves me to death if he didnt he wouldnt be with me trying to work things out. I just don't know anymore ... is it me? or am I justfied in feeling the way that I feel ?!

How can I improve my poem?

"Only to realized that their goods were plundered"? (next line would explain who did it, like animals would be good) "by the noctural creatures of the night, which by morning they stay out of sight". or " which by morning there no where in sight"... pretty good for a 14 year old.. congrats.

Sunsilk waves of envy sea mist discontinued?

I've never even heard of that product, and definitely haven't seen anything similar to what you have described.

I need closure over the loss of my dog?

Takes time - for EVERYONE. I yelled at my cat... a Persian with long white hair and blue eyes. He thought he was a dog. He would meow when he heard someone at the door and slept with me every night - I yelled at him for knocking over my glass of water when he was trying to rub against me. The next time I looked for him, he was under the couch. I think he died of a broken heart. I will NEVER forgive myself, but it takes time. Still hurts to talk about it. Best of luck to you. (((HUG)))

How do I make Unlimited Money in Assassins Creed Brotherhood?

I recently got Assassins Creed Brotherhood on my PC and everything runs fine, but the moneymaking in the game seems to be a bit slow for my tastes. I dont want anyone complaining about how easy it is to make money because that does answer my question. Is there or is there not a way to edit my save game to get me more money immediately? If there is a way to get unlimited, I'm fine with that, if there is a way to get 65000, im fine with that too, I just want some more money in the current location and all the tutorials online are for people editing their xbox save games and I don't have/never imported an xbox 360 save game into my computer. So I have no idea who/what to touch/edit to get more money in assassins creed brotherhood. There must be a way, right?

Someone stole my short story?

What website is it? Because that is not exactly legal, maybe talk to a lawyer? I don't think it will affect your chance of getting published, but if it does hinder it in any way, you could always talk to the website, ask them to take it off because you own the story, and if that doesn't work, I highly suggest talking to a lawyer. Because I mean, it's your story, not theirs, right? :)

Sunday, July 17, 2011

I just saw a brief news snippet (here in NZ) of the Queen having a pint of Guinness?

No she passed on the Guinness.Don't believe everything you read in the papers.No one took a poll about the general consensus.

Suffering pacman frog?

Have you tryd buying him a UVB light For him So it can probably try to cure his MBD But yeahs sounds pretty bad .

About to mist my bearded dragon?

i found out today that there shouldnt be a water dish in his tank so i took it out and bought a reptile mister, is there a certain temperature the water should be at and how do i do it? hes in the process of shedding too

I'm hanging out with this girl tomorrow. I'm scared?

This girl I like agreed to hangout with me tomorrow. Im worried about it because This is the first time and I really don't want it to be awkward! She said she is also bringing along a friend. What could I talk about with them? How could I make her feel comfortable? And mist of all, how could I show her that I really like her?? Help me out and please leave some tips.

Why won't Yahoo let me change my name (bad wording message)?

And it's nothing that's too long or inappropriate, so don't say it's either one of those reasons, I keep trying to change my name to "Purple Grape" and I keep getting this bad wording alert message. And I've tried changing my name through the info box in my pulse, through the edit preferences link in my profile, and through the comment box through a Yahoo article, and none of those ways are working. So, is this just a glitch, and has it happened to anyone else today? Thanks.

Jehovah's Witnesses - Need Some Advice?

i appreciate your sincere inquiry and research. unfortunately this is not the appropriate forum to get your answer. please speak with your study conductor. they will do research with u and give u the time to answer your questions.

Help please - i think i have a serious mental illness - ( maybe 2nd post idk what happened to other)?

I am a psych Nurse and can tell you that you don't have a serious mental illness. but you do have a cluster of symptoms that may relate to anxiety, stress.You do need to see a doctor to sort out if these physical symptoms are of physical problems and if so treat them. When that is sorted out a psychologist would be best to help with the self esteem things and perhaps establishing some positive communication with your family and guide you toward self valuing tasks and sort out your surplus fears. Good Luck - you are not crazy

How do i edit my drawings in photoshop?

I have a printer and i draw a lot i was wondering how i can sketch on paper scan it to my computer and then edit the picture in photoshop i also want to learn how to use the tools

How do you edit a photo from color?

I always see photos people take and they are black and white with something in the photo color...I was wondering how you would do that??

On Blogspot, using "Simple"Template (the one mostly all white), how to change color of Post Title?

After several experiences, the "Simple"Template, on blogspot (blogger) is the one that works best for me. But I can NOT figure out how to change the color of "Post Title"; only font and its size is available. How to do that? I can't find a link that I can copy entirely and am not sure exactly where to PASTE on the Edit HTML in Design. Thanks!

Are my songwriting skills any good?

Put this to music and sing it and upload it to youtube. Its the only way I can know for sure. email me at when you do. You might be feeling insecure about doing that but courage can take you far in life.

My windows 7 Taskbar only shows lists. why?

You have to have an 'Aero' theme enabled on your desktop. Then you have to enable 'Aero peek' in the taskbar properties - hope this helps.

Suffering pacman frog?

Have you tryd buying him a UVB light For him So it can probably try to cure his MBD But yeahs sounds pretty bad .


I have 3 cats and a dog who all have fleas. My first attempt to get rid of them was the medecine that you drop onto the back of their necks. Still fleas. About 4 days later i gave them all a flea and tick bath. Still fleas. 3 days later, I sprayed them all with a flea mist. This def helped, but they still all have fleas. Please keep in mind that i have also been brushing them all with vasaline and a comb throughout all this time. I also put a flea powder all over my carpets. I even cut the hair of my long haired cat really short! I am afraid if i try anything else on them that it could be harmful to my pets. Someone please give me some experienced advice for a multiple animal flea problem.

How long must someone wait to re-post a question so it isn't considered spam?

If someone was posting snippets of their writing on here, asking for grammar and structure help, how long should they wait before re-posting it? Thank you.

Dude not cool, My friend house mite be haunted?

THIS HAPPPEND TODAY. I'm watching family guy at his house and hes sister is sleeping on the floor. It's was F**king hot in hes room so I cranked open hes window and while doing that. I looked out at the window to the house that's like bordered somewhat nearby hes home I caught a glimpse what seems to be a mist like figure that reassembled a face for like 2 seconds that thing disappeared. I wasn't startled I had a weird feeling it wanted to contact me for help WtF?!?!

Products that don't test on animals?

I know you all have seen this question a million times.. But I still haven't found my answer! All I use is dove products! And they test on animals): I currently went to only almay makeup and now I'm taking another step to not support animal testing. I use dove body mist, deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, and soap!! :( I am going to go to bath and body works and get my body mist but I need help everywhere else. I want a product like dove because I have very sensitive skin. And the product CAN NOT test on animals. I am going to look on PETA later but I was wondering if I can get any of these products (each product around $10) at either walmart or CVS? Please answer! and I want it to be quality, not crappy and cheap! Thanks guys!!

How to calm before a dance recital?

I am SO stressed! I have a dance recital on Sat. and I am in 6 dances, 2 ballets, a modern, then I lead the pre ballet and I have two company dances (My studio has an elite dance company made up of the best dancers, I am one of the senior girls out of nine girls, the dances are a snippet from Little Red Riding Hood, and a Opener!) That, is a ton of responsibility and costume changes. I keep pacing the living room dissecting every dance and doing it in my head!

How do you like this scene?

Well, you have a few fragmwnts that could be taken care if. The names are great, except for Rachel. To me, Rachel is. Overused, bland, vanilla ice cream. If your stuck on Rachel though, could you consider different spellings? Rachele, Raychelle, Raichel, Raquel? Or if you want an R name, could you consider Rowen, or Raine, Rosalie? Regina? Randy? Reba? Rebbecah? But if it doesnt reall matter, there have beenplenty of questions asked about names for girls that have huge lists. Feel free to help yourself to those.

What are the similarities between Arabic and Hebrew?

The Semitic languages are characterised by being based on roots formed of three consonants into which different vowels are inserted to indicate different, but related words, including gramatical variants of each individual word. An English parallel would be SNG into which different vowels are inserted to produce the noun SONG and the present, past, participle forms of the corresponding verb (SING, SANG, SUNG and the obsolete YSUNG), only whereas English does this quite infrequently, the Semitic languages do it all the time.

What does the Victoria's Secret VERY SEXY mist smell like?

I was thinking about buying it online but I don't know what it smells like. Is it nice? girls what would you rate it? and reviews plz

Was lighted within a block of my home pulled over in my drive and decided to run on foot can i be charged fely?

i didnt speed and used my turn signal was arrested for mist. Evading . No prior evading but a crimnal history

What line from GLADoS would make a good ringtone for a phone?

I'm a big fan of PORTAL and carrying a mini snippet of her would be really freakin awesome. Though I can figure out which line would be the most suitable for a text message. Any suggestions?

DVD film disc backup - How is it done ...?

with what and where. I want to backup my DVDs onto another disc. Can I not just drag the film into a folder on my MacBook Pro or do I need a degree in film editing? It seems awfully stubborn and nothing seems intuitive. Help plez!

4Gb ram or 6Gb for my perposes?

I will be getting a new computer soon and i need to know if i should get 4gb of ram or 6Gb im going to so video editing and gaming. and i will use win 7 64 Bit.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Compare the advantages and disadvantages of using a web authoring application, an HTML editor, and a text edit?

Compare the advantages and disadvantages of using a web authoring application, an HTML editor, and a text editor for developing websites. List an example of each tool.

How to buy wii points on the wii?

well im on my wii right now trying to buy wii points with a credit card , i did it before but now its strange. all that's popping up is some information and "credit-card number , expiration date , security code , and the date thing that you can edit , i tried clicking the words but nothing is happening.

Questions about the publishing industry?

Though age should not matter, many agents will reject your work if they find out you are under 18 because of legal responsibilities, as I understand. That doesn't mean that you shouldn't send your stuff in though. Some publishers, if they are willing enough, can come up with a special contract that you and your parents sign least, that's how it worked with me, because I was a minor at the time when I signed my contract, even though by the time I finish the book, I won't be. Unfortunately, I can't tell you how to approach an agent about age. I never sent my things to an agent. Someone found my stuff online and contacted me about it. They asked if I would be interested in having my work published through their company, and when I replied, I said that I was, mentioned that I was only 17 or 16 and asked if that would be a problem for them. I have not heard of publishers taking advantage of younger authors, but I doubt they would because of the trouble it could bring. And no, having it on a website does not make it untouchable. That's how my work got noticed. You do, however, want to be cautious just where online you put your work. is where I had my stuff, and in my opinion, they seem to have good copyright policies. As far as length goes, I don't think there is a specific one you should limit yourself to. Think about the different books you've seen. Some crime novels are about 200 pages, while harry potter books may be about 400. I wouldn't worry too much about that, really. I don't know about writing a query. I never dreamed of sending my book to a publisher because I'm a perfectionist and never thought it would be good enough. And yes, if two publishers accept, it is up to you to choose which you want or which offer is better etc. I'm not quite sure I follow you on the "author purpose" thing. I have many goals as a writer, and many more with individual stories that i feel are my "purpose". Anyhow, if you need a fresh pair of eyes and you're worried about the whole internet thing, feel free to shoot me an e-mail of whatever excerpt you have that you feel is in need. I'm a little tied up right now with finishing my own novel, but I'd be glad to set it aside for a little bit if a fellow writer is in need. I'm a pretty trustworthy girl, but I know you can't trust just anyone with your writing and hard work. If it helps ease your mind any, I have no reason to try and take credit for someone else's work when I've got my own to take credit for.

Is this an interesting story?

I don't think I'm your target audience but that story sucked. I'm sorry but there needs to be more to it. You should write about one of the rumors that goes around suburbia and mix in some sex drugs and violence. Make sure you put the police and murder into your story. It'll be better that way.

Do I need to release my baby mantis?

you seem to like taking care of this animal. if you have the choice you should keep it because it has a better chance of living with you rather than the wild

Help with microsoft word?

on microsoft word sometimes after typing up a document i go back to edit it and some times when i go in front of a word and press space or tab or add another word it will delete the word in front of it. what causes this?

Car won't start, stumped :(?

Your battery must measure more than 9.6 Volts across the battery terminals WHILE the engine is being cranked over in order to power the computer, fuel pump, sensors etc. If your battery is over 4 or 5 years old, you need a new one regardless of any other reason your engine won't start. Your battery cables need to be disconnected and cleaned inside the metal contacts with a battery wire brush when you install the new battery.

What do you think of this verse?

I like this if it has a fast tempo but im not a fan of the last line though. your definitely on the right track. if its ever on youtube send me the song

How to be REALLY good at MW2?

I am really into the game, but sometimes I just get really frustrated with it. Some matches I'll get 20+ kills, one match I got like 46... But mist of the time I'll get around 15 Kills and over 20 deaths. How can I be good enough to get killstreaks like 7,8, and 11? Any tipsmon classes or anything else would be nice. Thanks a bunch! My PSN code is ffej4

Teen Wolf TV show. Pilot Episode. What's that song?

Ahhh I've been trying to find the same song too! I can't find it either! Sorry I can't help right now but I'll keep looking and I'll answer again if I find out!

How to ask my BFF for her number over facebook?

You don't want to be too over-emotional if she's your best friend, because if you do she might find it hard to talk to you about it! Just be how you'd usually be with her. Say something like "i'm going to miss you, do you mind if I get your number so I can text you to meet up at some point in the summer?" And then that leaves it open, so she can take it either way! Sorry if this didn't help.

(girls) which guy do you prefer?

uhhhh probably guy b. guy a is a little overboard on cleanliness...but teeth should be brushed at least once daily.

Where To Edit Your Photos?

What is a good website where u can edit your photos, write texts on your photos, and add cool graphics to your photos. Also, a website that allows u to add decorations to a photo, for example a blown kiss or hearts or stars? Help!!??????

Dose anyone know how to code Maplestory Servers?

im running a MapleStory v.75 Server And I Need Coders That's Know Packet Editing Please Respond If U Would Like To Help ill Reward U Greatly

HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my hermit crab has stuff on his eye!?

I just got home and my mom told me Lary died. A few weeks earlier Pinchy died. And now Hermie has stuff on his eye!!! I'm thinking it's a dease but I mist them daily and give them fresh food and water. so they are in very good care. SOME ONE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!

Help? does anyone know of any cute photo editing sites or downloads?

i need help? could you give me any photo editing sites like where you can add little picture onto your photo like the cute little dino or the little couples and stuff like that? i cant figure it out. could you please help me, o n no harmful sites or downloads please.. thank you.. :)

How to find lost family members?

So i wanna help my dad find his lost brother that he never met & i wanna meet him too. Its a really long story... But anyways i went on google & searced people finder & family finder & i get alot of results but mist if the time it saYs that i have to pay. IF ANY ONE HAS FOUND A FAMILY MEMBER OR LOST FRIEND OR KNO OF SOMEONE WHO HAS PLZ TELL ME THE WEBSITE. THANK YOU:)

Help tell the difference in land or marine hermit!?

My friend came back from the beach last weekend and brought me some seashells. I left them on my desk and went to bed, the next morning one was in the floor. Come to find out there was a tiny little hermit inside. We don't live near the beach and I would hate for this little guy to suffer a horrible death because I do not know how to care for him. If there are things I can check to know if he is a land or marine hermit, it would help a ton. Right now I have him in sand in a moist crabitat. It's been about four days now and with daily misting he is starting to come out, only when i put him on my hand but not in the cage. He hasn't eaten anything and has not been near the water, both fresh and salt. I'm afraid if he doesn't at least eat something soon he won't last much longer. My friend said he found him further up the beach not really near the water. I do not know if that will help any.

Can you hide your facebook profile from your boss?

Normaly when applying for a job. your boss (or soon to be boss) will search you up on the internet, or they might check your facebook account. I want to keep my account hidden from them. if I edit my accound privacy setttings so only my freinds can view my stuff, then will my boss still be able to see my profile (or profile info)?

Tarantula pet environment help?

I have a Brazilian Red and White Tarantula, it stays in 5 gallon fish tank and has all its necessary requirements. There's is one thing that I want to know though, I have got a sandy substrate in the environment and I live in an area with a relatively high humidity. Is this substrate ok to use if I just slightly mist the sand with a spray mister, or do I need to get potting soil?

Where can I find Chiddy's 9 hour world record freestyle (as much of it as possible)?

Chiddy from the Rap Group Chiddy Bang broke a freestyling world record when he freestyled for 9 hours and 18 minutes. I doubt all 9 hours exist, plus it might be a little too much to listen to that, but Is there anywhere I can find more of these clips or snippets anywhere. there are four ten minute ones on youtube and then the ending but if anyone knows where to find more, or did the guiness book of records not release it and might release it later?

YouTube - Unable to Convert Video File?

I tried to upload a video I made with HyperCam and then edited with Windows Live Movie Maker on YouTube but it said, "Unable to Convert Video File". How and why? My friend uses Windows Live Movie Maker also and uploads videos with no problem.

What should I call my albums on Facebook?

Make them organized or you will never remember where certain pictures are. I try to put certain words on mine so I can easily find certain pics later.

Hey can I have some volunteers help me edit my photos?

ok so email me at for the photos each photo I will give you specific details of what to do :) thanks or just give me your email your choice xoxo

What happened during former Yugoslavia in the 1990's? Have I got any of it correct?

You've got it mostly right except for the Kosovo part. The bombing of belgrade was part of a whole different conflict which occurred 3 years later in Kosova between Serb forces and Albanians.

A good microphone with pop filter and recording software?

I have decided I would like to record me singing different songs but I don't think my laptop's microphone is going to give me the best results. I need a good microphone with a pop filter and a good software for recording and editing for a Windows computer.

I really want to start my own line? (please read)?

Okay so I'm 15 years old, and I really wanna start my own line ; body washes, body lotions, body mist, body sprays, lipgloss, and possibly my own clothing line etc. This is something I really wanna do.. I wanna make money so I can support my beautiful family.. I just wanna make them happy. They do so much for me.. and for some reason... you guys might find this weird.. but I honestly cry myself to sleep every night... thinking about my family. I just want the best for them. This is probably sounding really cheesy. But anyways I've thinking about starting my own line for over a year now.. and I wanna make a move now... I usually keep on procrastinating but now I'm SET to do it. I'm not gonna wait for next month or the other or even the other. I really want to do it now. I know it's not gonna be easy.. but I wanna move my family over to California... so we can be happy. I need help on how to start a line in body washes, lotions etc. Like the good kind lol... yeah so can you guys PLEASE tell me how I have to start and tell me what I do.. and also give me some ideas and names etc. Please I wanna do this.

Am I good at editing pictures?

You are good, but I just can't get over her eye makeup. >.< I'd give you pictures, but I don't really have any ones that i didn't already murder with editing.

What do you think about this poem?

I am glad I see you around. I believe your talent is evident, but this work is not a token of your potential. Try to understand that only by elevating yourself and others, you will produce a nice result. I remember the winter and the spring. Beautiful poem it was.

How do I restore my edit toolbar?

My edit toolbar suddenly disappeared so that now I can't edit Google Gmail or Yahoo!/Answers or anything but documents in Microsoft Word. How do I restore it? A thousand thanks for whatever help you can offer. (I'm a computer dummy, in case you can't tell.)

If I record a gameplay how do I take out one little bit?

I have a HD PVR. If I record a gameplay how do I take out one little bit? E.g I record a game on fifa how do I edit out just one goal?

Can I plant the Blue Mist Flower in the Fall? Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland?

I know the flower wilts come fall, but I haven't gotten the seeds until now (fall). So can I plant it now?

What do the things in my dream mean?

I have dreams of myslef walking down large stone steps. To either side of the staircase there are no walls, just mist, and beyond that I can see a never ending darkness. I hear a small soft almost cheerful or uplifting tune but when i wake up I cant remember what it sounds like. I am absolutely naked but the mist seems to cover my penis and for some reason my chest as well (which I have always been uncomfortable showing in public). I carry in my hands a large shiny axe, sometimes silver, sometimes purple, most times black. i know there is something in the mist, almost a ghost like snake women creatures, many of them flying around me creating the mist. what does it all mean?

Why did hermit crabs die?

Two hermit crabs were purchased together from a pet store, one was large and the other was small. Both were provided with adequate food, water, habitat, extra shells, and temperature. One morning the larger one fell out of its shell dead when picked up to be misted, this was about two weeks after their purchase. The tail end of it was completely devoid of color and the crab was stiff and brittle. Two weeks later the smaller one's front leg and a piece of his larger claw fell off. The next day he too died. What could have caused their deaths?

Friday, July 15, 2011

Is just living on Earth causes you to get cancer?

You didn't hear that nonsense. You read it on the internet, the perfect websites for gullible kids and adults alike. No we aren't being too stupid to read the labels, some of us are too stupid to use the internet...

Facebook related question?

After you click edit profile, click the "Friends and family" tab on the left side of the page and you can change your relationship status from there.

Am I good at editing pictures?

I think it looks great! I don't really think it's overdone, considering you were just trying stuff out(: I would love for you to edit a photo of me!

Hair Shine Mist before or after styling?

after. you should use conditioner, a heat protectant, and a silicon serum on your hair, concentrating on your ends, before you style though. If that makes your hair look greasy after the first time you try it, stop using the serum though.

Please suggest a good oprah winfrey show having 4 guests, 3 male, one female.?

it is for a college project, more like a charity education.. i need to download it but i can't find a full episode...just snippets and trailers here and there.. i urgently need a full episode.. and the specifications for guests are because we are dubbing it and we are a team of 3 guys and a girl.. please cooperate

Hey yall I need some of you people to edit some photos?

I have some photos I want you to edit not that many but email me for the photos each photo ill email you back ill give you a specific way to edit it :) thanks and email me at or just give me your email :)


Any non zero value equates to true, Since Row is defined as 16 (0x10) to start with it will always be non zero and hence equate to true.

Lying about home address on FAFSA and college application?

Basically if you value your education and future you will not do this. There is a high chance you will be caught and you will never be able to apply for financial aid again. Your school may also take action against you, as they do not like lying and fraud.

Thoughts on this poem about madness?

Wow! This is grand! I love reading poems with a sing-song pattern. Poems you can almost sing are poems that sway - but be impeccable and study iambs - not a particularly necessary advice but the knowledge of iambs may help a lot. And don't forget to read about meter, rhyme, and rhythm (as I've said previously). Judging from your two postings, I believe that you will find rhythm easy and fun to learn.

What happened in former Yugoslavia in the 90's?

Genocide and war crimes; processed very differently than how they are committed here in the USA. edit: The same number of dead have occurred in the USA over the last 10 years, the deaths and destruction of life were just brought about a different way.

Are flea sprays good enough?

i was wondering if using flea sprays like adams plus flea/ tick mist from petsmart, is good enough to eliminate/ repel fleas on my 2 cats and 2 ferrets, along with the house if i use it right. buying revolution for 3 months worth of 4 animals can get expensive.. so i was wondering if this is well enough. even if i only use it on the cats and the ferrets get revolution for 3 months OR i use one month for each animal and continue with the spray.. alls im really asking is if a spray is powerful enough. thankss<3

Would you watch this film?

I've got a story idea in my head, its all up in the air but its basically about a young teenager in Prison who sees a psychiatrist/psychologist. Its going to have a 12 Angry Men vibe in the sense its basically filmed in one room. I thought about Robson Green as the Doctor, a bit like Tony Hill or sort of a spin off from Wire in the Blood. The story is a long the lines of the girls conviction, the doc needs to find out the truth because theres loose ends but the girl is messed up and debates some controversial things with him like the things shes seen in prison whilst giving snippets of the truth behind whats shes done and whether or not shes taking the blame for someone else. There'll be humour and a little action but primarily in one room. Its not finalised or anything, just a rough idea. Would you watch it?

What can i make my best friend just as a random gift?

i love my best friend to DEATH. she is my favorite. and we like to make each other things just cause how close we are. and i know i should KNOW what to make her, but i'm kinda stuck. she's made me a collage from magazines and i wanna do that but i don't have patience and time to do that. i want to make a picture collage and put reasons why we're bff. but picnik [photo editing site] is weird and messes everything up. but if you have ideas on what i can make and how i make it, that'll be great. thanks!

Wave pad sound editor help please?

i was just editing out swearing out of a song, but when i upload the updated file into itunes and put it on my ipod, parts of the song that should just be normal are silenced!!! i don't get it, what's going on?? i don't know how to fix it.

Why did Portland offer $8.7 Million for Greg Oden?

because of his potential, i heard the celtics were planning on offering him a 10 million contract, i don't know if they will risk it all for him

Should We Form The English National Party (ENP) Alongside The Scottish National Party (SNP)?

Yes why not. I think it would get a lot of support from people who have given up on the BNP and UKIP as both are spineless. A new Party is long over due in England and one that fights for the English would be welcomed.

How to share a onenote notebook?

I am trying to share a onenote notebook or similar office documents that can be edited remotely by different users and that will sync at the same time. Senario: Alvin in Spain edited the document and so when I open the file on my computer I can see what he did. Can MSN's skydrive do this? I am looking for a free alternative. Thanks,

Rate My Second Pokemon Black Team?

ok for starters.... i would get rid of pansage. i had one before and it was awful (or i just failed with it XD) I would add ur litwik... because if u can evolve it into a chandelure, they are extremely helpful fore shantal the psychic one (cant think of her name) and even marshal. Also i would add ur swoobat. This one helped me a lot too I hope this helps :)

Your favorite Naruto hidden village and why?

mines is the village hidden in the leaves because their tiejustsu is much better than the other villages ... and theres much more variety in element style

Expert cartoon trivia?

Does any one remember a cartoon about two identical girl twins that used to sing a song called "Why do you always follow me?" It was mostly a snippet

What are my chances of getting into the University of Michigan?

Why the hell would you want to go there. Osu will still beat your asses without our coach or our quarterback

8 Bit Plug In For Garageband?

I've attempted to use the Ymck 8 bit plug in for my Macbook Pro, but it's just a blank file and won't open with anything, nor will it show up when I select edit under Garageband. I was wondering what I need to do to fix this, or if there's another FREE plug in I could use?

Writing our own vows-any advice? I have a million ideas but am having trouble organizing them:)?

write it from the heart. Tak about when u "knew" ur fiance was the one. Things u do together, What u love about them. The longer it is the more ur fiance will enjoy it but the more bored ur guests will be

Help with After Effects?

I\'m doing a video in after effects, and I\'m putting a bunch of Photos with frames, and each photo and frame are in a composition, so , when I duplicate this composition, to edit the image, the image of both composition changes to, so how to fix this, if I only want to edit one image? Hope u understand me, and apologize my English, I\'m Spanish ;D

A question on Movie Maker 2.6?

Hello is it possible to edit anyware on a still image? Yes i have read Wendy Richards tutirol and still stuck.I' ve learnt how to trim and if i do that i loose something ellse i need to show in the cliip/image.I really apperciate a answer thankyou very much Dan

Is this a viable lawsuit?

Chalk it off. Unfortunately, this matter may have been embarrassing, but embarrassment itself is not actionable, you were not damaged monetarily, and it is not the type of case worth pursuing.

What's Wrong With My Laptop?!?

if it was done on purpose then your warranty is under threat. my opinion is to take it to a reputable dealer who can look at it

My command line is missing, ie, "File, View, Edit, Tool, etc"?

Ok I have windows 7 , msi laptop , and i was in tools , tool bars , trying to get back one of them but ended up losing the one with tools files etc how can i get it back ? thanks alot !

Criticism taken. Edits made. What do you think?

I think it's intriguing and it makes me want to keep reading. Nice work! A few things could still be edited, but it's primarily grammatical errors and opinion. Other than that, I really liked it :)

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Can i make a deck out of this pile?

you're gonna need to get some more cards. if you're going to make a dragon deck, make sure to buy 3 red eyes darkness metal dragons (REDMD) and five headed dragon with future fusion to summon it.

Rap&Hip-Hop: Rate these intellectual lyrics?

I'm not feeling it as much as the Gucci Mane lyrics, but it's nice, i'll give it a 9/10. It seems to lack flow towards the end, but I might just be reading it wrong.

Movies with setting similar to the mist ? plz do not ignore this?

i am looking for a movie which has people trying to survive .. actually what i liked most about the movie mist was the setting ..people taking shelter in a supermarket that was awesome.. i am not looking for movies such as wrong turn or saw.. i not even looking for vacancy or cabin fever.. i have already seen breed and signs which was a little close what i am looking for.

10points best answer****?

I like the over all story of the song but it kind of jumps around... you could try to repeat a couple thigns a little more. Also, its talking about one thing, and then its talking about something else, keep it flowing.

Is this an interesting start to my story?

Sounds like a good start to me! I love how you took such a simple and over done idea and twisted it slightly to make it fun and dark. My only critique would be to set your priorities straight and to make sure your not skipping around when it comes to your intro. Would you rather introduce your setting first, and then make the characters come in, or the other way around? I had to read it twice through to understand some of the concepts fully. But it sounds like a great start to a good piece to me! If you would like to send me the final edition of the piece, that would be great!

I need major hair help please!/:?

Okay so about 3 months ago I had really pretty black hair that went down to about my mid boob area, and it was thick soft , and super healthy , then I made a bad mistake and wanted to try being blonde , well that killed my hair, I had to get it cut like right above my armpit, and it was super weak. After about a month of being blonde I dyed it burgundy and have been doing so since. Well my hair now is super weak and a lot thinner, and some of my ends are so bad that they actually look singed. And I JUST got a hair cut two weeks ago.. is there anything I can do that will strengthen it and replenish it to how it was /: So far I haven't been using any heat products and about twice a week I use a keratin mist. Anything else?

How do I restore a backup to my iPhone 4?

I want to restore a backup from my old iPhone 4 to my new one that I purchased today. The backup I want my phone to be restored to is shown under Edit, then Preferences, then Devices in iTunes but not when I right-click my iPhone under Devices under the left then Restore from Backup. PLEASE HELP ME!!!

How to save image after editing using photoshop?

Go to File > Save As (Ctrl + S), and choose your format from dropdown list, JPG/JPEG is most used, and click save , and ok. Or you can save in PSD format. PSD is photoshop format, that you can later edit LAYERS, and again save. But JPG/JPEG is final image, you can edit, but you can'y edit layers on that format.

How to get my inlaws OUT?

We recently bought a house. Good right? No its H*LL my mother in law lives with us grrr. She controls my life and family. My husband completely agrees with me to try to help them move, but in the mist of everything sister and brother in law gets evicted. So i try to be nice and say just a couple nights no more than a week. Its been over a week now neither one of them will work or help with the bills, and everyone thinks im the bad guy because i want them out. there 10x worse than my mother in law. please help what do i do my husband doesn't agree to help me get his sister out because she is pregnant supposedly but no proof showing so. O yea and to top it off i found out where my stuff has been disappearing they have been pawning my electronics GRRRR!!!

What is the best laptop for me?

My budget is about 650 at the very most. I want one that is at LEAST 13 inches. I'm going to be using it for photo editing, surfing the web(fast), a little bit of gaming. It should have a good amount of memory. Thanks so much.

I am really interested in joining the army or military to be medic but.....?

I am a single 22yr. Old parent of 2. A 5 mnth old and a 3yr. Old. I did not comlete high school. But curebtly jn the mist of getting my GED. I really have nothing to offer my kids and all my life I been taking care of ppl and getting nothing or havon noone appreciate the thibgs that I do.. and since I lovve takin care of ppl why not take carw of ppl that is doin something for me.. but i am concerned that I wont be able to do it because of my kids like do they have some type of family program I can get with so I my kids can be good while I go threw the basic training.. please somebody tell. Me anything I really wabt to do it but I don't have noone to help ne with my kids please tell me if anyone know anything... thanks much..

Mac Book Air, Gaming advice?

I don't want to run anything off the chain in gaming i just wanna know how good they are at running runescape in HD without lagg and i wanna know how good they are using editing programmes like photoshop fireworks and sony vegas, (i am talking about the most exspensive macbook air)

What is the 'Red mist' creepypasta?

What is this, the creepy pasta, not rage. Also, I have searched google and cannot really find anything on it...

What is the name of this song?!?

Okay, so, I turned on the tv to VH1 and they had the very last snippet of this music video and I liked the song but it didn't say what it was called. It was a "Gung Ho video" and it looked like a flower, but people we're forming the flower. Can anyone help me out?

Did you ever had both religious and atheist crazies in your upbringing?

There are radicals on either side of any debate who preach hate, and refuse to tolerate those with another view.

Does anyone know this music video or song?

I remember a music video about this old man sitting next to a little boy or girl and he's showing him old pictures and the pictures become like little snippets? does anyone know what i'm talking about? also i think it was a country song...

Do you teens want any photos edited (well) for free?

no, i could do a better job myself on editing my pictures. you just changed colors. its awful to be honest

A question for all Christians who only believe that: "Only the Bible explains what the true gospel is".?

Once you recognize how sinful you are and truly repent, then you will be born again, you will have a new spirit and will not desire to sin anymore and you will love God and his word and want to spend time with him

RHH: Buy or Sell Canibus will destroy Royce with Lyrical Law?

Srsly the singl from Hell the Sequel with Bruno is laughable, Royce has fallen off and deserves getting whipped. Lyrical Law comming out end of june has much better snippets, should contain numerous disses towards Royce and Joe Budden.

IPad 2, or Macbook pro?

i want to purchase one of these but i dont know which one to get, and i mostly want them for video editing.

Criticism taken. Edits made. What do you think?

I think it's intriguing and it makes me want to keep reading. Nice work! A few things could still be edited, but it's primarily grammatical errors and opinion. Other than that, I really liked it :)

Why dose my game (Black Ops) not have an "Edit Game Options"?

Why dose my game (Black Ops) not have an "Edit Game Options" bar for my PS3? If i dont have that, then my consol doesn't allow me to do combat training.

What is a good photo editing app for Android?

Hi, I just got the Huawei Ascend phone from Metro and i was wondering what is a good app for me to download for photo editing. I like to use picnik and there is no app for that. So what are the apps you all have. :)

Good gaming computer for under 500 dollars?

Good Luck, try craigslist, maybe someone will be hard up for money, but no.. you will not be able to find one for 500 or under that'll run COD.

What are some good products for a sunless tan?

I have always been very pale, and while I constantly pretend otherwise, it bothers me and I think it's unattractive. I've tried the Neutrogena micro-mist airbrush sunless tan stuff, and, basically, it sucked. It was nothing short of neon orange and practically impossible to make it even. I've heard the the Jergens natural glow lotion works well, but I would never be able to make it look even. Any and all help is really appreciated(:

I'm fedup with life, need to vent?

Some books that may help you.Prescription For Nutritioan l Healing.Balance Your Brain,Balance Your Life.A Course In Miracles.Look at customer book reviews at Amazon.

How to share a onenote notebook?

I am trying to share a onenote notebook or similar office documents that can be edited remotely by different users and that will sync at the same time. Senario: Alvin in Spain edited the document and so when I open the file on my computer I can see what he did. Can MSN's skydrive do this? I am looking for a free alternative. Thanks,

How do I turn a .gif into a single frame/picture?

You can open the file in any animation software like flash then you can see the whole thing frame by frame. Pick the one u want and copy paste in a new flash file then export as jpeg simple

Recording a song with a mic that comes with your headphones?

I'm just wondering.. I know how to make my vocals sound like a studio quality on cool edit pro but every time I record, even when I say nothing, I always turn my fan off and still hear the backround noise.. I got enough money for some egg crate foam to spread around my room when I go to newcastle for the holidays.. So can someone tell me why do U hear the backround noise everytime U record with a mic on headphones even when it's totally quite.. I hope that backround noise will stop when I record when I spread the egg crate foam around my room..

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

How to edit a pepsi label?

im going to take the label off of a bottle of pepsi. then, i will scan it on my computer. then i will edit it with photoshop cs5 . i want to put all the answers i need and take out the nutrition facts, replaceing it with the answers. but how can i do that with cs5 i want to change the nutrition fact and put words thx

Is it fine if someone edits a photo of my Best friend he wants it to look cool and popular and really creative?

Make the photo of a typical popular teenager to receive it email me at or just give me your email (if you want). Thanks :)

Rate/Fix my Yugioh Dragon deck (Dragunity).?

To make a top tier dragunity deck you need to get 3 copies of the structure deck. Also you need 3 dragunity phalinx (spelling?), he is the main tuner in the deck. He can special summon himself from being equipt for easy synchroing. Look at dragunity deck lists to know what cards to add. Also change of heart and pot of greed are forbidden so you cant use them in your deck.

Glee show understanding?

Was wondering are they actually singing in the recording or is it edited in when they do their awesome showtoons?

Sony Cybershot tx5 help!?

Hi. I'm a litttle furious. I have the Sony Cybershot tx5 waterproof camera. Soo since its waterproof, i brought it underwater a lot. But by looks of it, I think I took it underwater too much. Because whenever you would go to see the pictures you've just took, all the time there would be a little symbols when your looking at each picture showing: next arrows, previous arrows, take a picture, delete, and i think edit. Well.. now all it shows is.. nothing. I'm really disappointed:( I always have to change the setting just to delete a picture ONE AT A TIME now:( Is there anyway to fix this problem? I wouldn't mind spending a little money. PLEASE HELP! Thanks:) btw i need an answer before friday if that's alright

If someone doesnt want to edit my photos then whats the directions?

I have photoshop cs5 what exactly do I do to make a picture more clear like grad photos more clear by applying makeup not fake makeup just lipstick to my girlfriends picture and raising eyebrows, getting good figure, and looking a lot thinner not fake though. Whats the directions on photoshop??

How do you like this scene?

it sounds really interesting! i would totally read it.and its something allot of people relate to the whole we're best friends,don't wanna ruin the friendship by tell them i like them,i really like :)

What is the matter with my A/C?

i have an A/C unit for my window, had it running all day yesterday and then late in the evening it started dripping water inside the i put something under it so that it would lean back and drip out the back port like it should. then a bit later it started spitting out water droplets but still blowing cold air. so i turned it off and now today i am trying to turn it back on and its still spitting out water mist. wat the heck is up with this?

Do you think me and my husband are balanced?

It's not a competition. If you need more help around the house, just ask him if he can help with certain things. I work longer hours than my wife, and I still come home and help out with the cooking and cleaning. We both work around the house on the weekends.

I have a window air conditioner with rain in it, can I still run it?

I have a window air conditioner with vents on the top, it rained last night, and when i turned on my unit the water was misting out at me through the vent where the air comes out. Is this normal, and it makes alot of noise with the water in there, is it safe to run? Should I empty the water out somehow?

How do you like this scene?

Well, you have a few fragmwnts that could be taken care if. The names are great, except for Rachel. To me, Rachel is. Overused, bland, vanilla ice cream. If your stuck on Rachel though, could you consider different spellings? Rachele, Raychelle, Raichel, Raquel? Or if you want an R name, could you consider Rowen, or Raine, Rosalie? Regina? Randy? Reba? Rebbecah? But if it doesnt reall matter, there have beenplenty of questions asked about names for girls that have huge lists. Feel free to help yourself to those.

Does anyone else hear music all day long... without any actually playing?

I don't hear actual music playing all day, but I can hear music in my head like you. I can Focus on certain parts of the song, and get details and I can also change them if I want. Like if I play it in my head I'll change guitar solos or drumb beats. And if I feel like i will actually physically make beats with the song with my teeth, and sometimes hummin along with it. Maybe it's odd, but it helps playin guitar, and can help time pass.

Why is my sister like that?

I think she is "obsessed" with her self... she will take about 10 pictures a day on our webcam. When ever she is talking to me she looks into the mirror when she speaks. (It gets annoying!) She will spend hours on editing her photos. When were in the car she will take pictures of herself on her phone. Is this normal? Shes 16

How do you redline a doc (Word 2007) to show multiple reviewer edits in different colors?

When I make changes they are in a different color but when I hit "save" all the changes turn to one color as if it is a single reviewer. What do I do? I've tried everything.

Drum Home Recording help?

A thing that could really help is it ask a local music shop and they could recommend you to someone who knows more about that stuff.Or do some research yourself I could help you but I don't know your price range what type of quality and your type of os on your computer.

How come i hear stories about 13-14 year olds having sex?

Is it normal? No. Like i've said many times before, my sister is 12 and I'd kick her **** if I found out she was having sex. It's actually disgusting that girls (and boys for that matter) of that age are taking part in adult activities.

A love song by David Lawrence?

The poet misses his lover. Sleep is his only escape when he can relive treasured moments with his absent love.

Which Victoria's Secret 'Pink with a Splash' should i buy?

I have fresh and clean, and I aboslutely love it! It does not smell to strong at all!! And it does not smell foody either.

Please rate my mostly warrior deck and suggest ANY changes?

I like your general structure. I'd add another Gilford the Legend just in case something happens to one before you can summon it because you can't monster reborn him. Also Get your hands on a Warrior Returning Alive spell card and a Sword of the Soul Eater equip card. A couple of cards that can negate the activation of cards like Really Eternal Rest and Eternal Rest would be good for you because of all of your equip cards. Definitely get Silent Swordsman LV 7. He's like a Jinzo for Spell cards. I personally would not go with 60 cards. But that's just my preference and I know how hard it can be to cut down a deck you worked hard to build. But 60 can make it difficult to get what you want. Hope all this helped.

Need Someone Who owns a big or popular website?

I want someone who owns a big and popular website. All i want to do is to get someone to publicly notify others about my youtube channel which is "Furbee178" i make special effects videos like with weapons and such. If you own or know someone owns please take this into consideration. ( i dont have many videos now. i have some edited videos on my computer waiting to be uploaded). I will do the same if you help me (tell everyone i know about your site/product/etc.) My email is . Thank you

In the percy jackson series do u think...............?

That Rachel Elizabeth Dare the mortal who can see through the mist and Nico di Angelo the son of Hades make a good pair?

Rap&Hip-Hop: Rate my first recorded song?

haha, u were SERIOUS about the trying to be a rapper thing?? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, i thought u was just trying to be annoying but if u actually took the time out to record it n post it on youtube n ask ths question i guess u were serious. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, whitegurl, just give up now, cuz you'll never get signed

Google Chrome Apps vs iPhoto vs MicroSoft?

I edited 1000+ pics using iPhoto on someone else's Mac and though it was pretty basic, it was working well for me. I no longer have immediate access to the Mac (my computer is a PC btw) so I was wondering if either Be Funky Photo Editor, Picnik, Aviary (google chrome apps) or MS picture manager were comparable to iPhoto. I'm moving into a more professional direction but I can't afford a Mac just yet so any other programs I could use in the meantime would be great also.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Why won't Movie Maker play the last few seconds of my video?

After editing my video, I clicked on Publish. When it finished and I viewed the video, the last few seconds of audio and video were cut off from the published video. Why does Movie Maker do this and how can I fix it so my video will be complete?

Revealing sexual orientation during job interview?

I am a lesbian interviewing for a job with a not for profit organization, this is a direct snippet from their affirmative action plan ".... our affirmative action plan currently concentrates on recruitment of people from four groups for its staff and committees: third world people; women; gay, lesbian, and bisexual people; and people with disabilities"... I want to be open at my new job would it be ok to reveal my sexuality during the interview?

Severe Earwax w/ a little blood but, no pain!?

My little brother cleaned his ears yesterday and he said it was a lot of ear wax so, I checked it out and it was a lot and it looked nasty, so i was guessing that was because he barely clean them so when he woke up he said his ear was leaking on his pillow so i checked it out and it was and it was dried up wax in the mist of his ear so i decide to clean them and it was still a lot of ear wax and then looked like a little blood also so i gave him a cotton ball to put in the mist of it in case it leaks it will catch it but, idk what it can anyone give an educated guess? Should I take him to the hospital or just keep the cotton ball in there?

I recently discovered the wonderful world of manga. What are your favorite books or recomendations?

I'll tell you what I have read and maybe you can use that as a guide. Thank you in advance! ---I LOVE Deathnote! "I am Here" by Ema Toyama is great. "Shrine of the Morning Mist" by Hiroki Ugawa- not my thing. Mistress*Fortune by Arina Tanemura- is pretty good. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Do you like my story so far?

It's not a bad start. I especially liked the setting that you established. You have a few spelling and grammar issues, but those are easy to resolve. Also, your sentence structure is very repetitive; you start many of your sentences with "I", which gets tiring after a while. As for the story itself, it's not bad, maybe just a little cliche (lonely girl with hardly any friends is a stereotypical character in YA lit). You might try to make it more out-of-the-ordinary. Don't be afraid to mix-in completely unique scenarios and characters. That's what will make your audience want to read more. Stick with it!

Found a tiny baby millipede in my cockroach tank what do I do?!?

It may just be a regalure milliped i had them before all they eat are strawberries,rotted leaves and stuff like that. keep the bedding u already have in there. put a rock in there so they feal protected. I HOPE I HELPED! ps.i studyed bugs for a long time.

Is The Mists of Avalon worth paying for the Kindle edition?

Does it get big enough on the Kindle to read it without hurting yourself? If it does, it's one of my favorite books. But it is really long, and if you can't comfortably read it then it might not be worth the price. Have you seen if there's a free preview of the kindle edition? That way you can see if the format will be comfortable for you or not. Otherwise, there is an audiobook edition. I haven't listened to it yet, but my library has it for download. That could be a good option as well.

Can someone rate and give sugestions on my agent fairy deck??????????????

this deck look have no balance , because too many spell / trap , but i like your spell and trap just improve your deck such as monster like nova summoners , or shining angel to search your monsters , you must balance your deck to become the great duelist !

Please rate my mostly warrior deck and suggest ANY changes?

I like your general structure. I'd add another Gilford the Legend just in case something happens to one before you can summon it because you can't monster reborn him. Also Get your hands on a Warrior Returning Alive spell card and a Sword of the Soul Eater equip card. A couple of cards that can negate the activation of cards like Really Eternal Rest and Eternal Rest would be good for you because of all of your equip cards. Definitely get Silent Swordsman LV 7. He's like a Jinzo for Spell cards. I personally would not go with 60 cards. But that's just my preference and I know how hard it can be to cut down a deck you worked hard to build. But 60 can make it difficult to get what you want. Hope all this helped.

Stop cough effectively?

I would like to ask how can i stop cough immediately and effectively! I really have a weak body im always at home and only get enough sun when i go to school. Here's my problem. My enemy is my cough even last year im always absent because of this so i went to the doctor and recommend me some medicines and after that im already okey but we had a CAT before its like a military thing and it was mist after that i had a dry throat( Signs of getting coughs ) and i got a fever and runny nose and get cough . So itake all the medicines!( 10 medicines a day) and luckily i got no fever and runny nose and whats left is my cough. i already had xray during my visit to the doctor and they said its fine. BUT STILL im still coughing i was absent for 4 days in school and planning to go to school tomorrow i still not fine i think the medicine is not working and i guess im not ready to go to school tomorro i want to! and this tuesday were planning to go to the doctor again!!!! Can anyone please recommend some good medicines or herbs so that i coulf go to school BTW, I already have this cough for almst 2 weeks

Did the football ever get kicked over the fence which separated the Auschwitz football pitch and gas chamber?

I fail to see any point in this question. Perhaps you could enlighten us. Nevertheless, six million Jews were slaughtered during the war any way you look at it.

Does uploading a self made original song to youtube mean it is copyrighted?

ok so i figured that if i uploaded some songs iv made to youtube then they would become copyrighted because the date of upload is stored and so far as i know cant be edited and so proves when it was uploaded. does this make it a safe copyrighting technique??

How to open .big file ?

I have a game file named chunks.big.ps3 ... The game is international cricket 2010 ... i have tried many softwares...but none cant open this file on my pc ... i want to edit the game ...any1 help me ...thanks in advance

Will highly reflective mylar work as a solar filter.?

I bought a roll of mylar during my growing days, and now I have moved onto better hobbies. I am wanting to observe the sun through my telescope. I have looked at some of the polymer filters that the stores sell, and it looks and feels a lot like the mylar I have. The mylar I have is 99% reflective, and when I took a snippet and looked at the sun, I didn't have any trouble, but will it cause trouble when magnified 200x?

Someone mind editing a photo of me to look cool?

I would like my photo to look really popular. Like edit my photo to become a really popular looking person im a teenager. email me at :)

Why does Divx Plus ruin the video recorded using Fraps? (details inside)?

I cant have both Fraps and Divx Plus installed on my computer because if i do Divx will Make all the gameplay footage go black with only audio. I have had to Uninstall and Reinstall Divx whenever i want to watch or edit these video's and its getting a little annoying, can someone please help me with this. I have the latest update for both programs.

Pokemon Black Help Post Elite Four?

I personally have a grass, fire, water, electric, flying, and a miscellaneous type, ie psychic or rock, and if possible any of those five types with a second type, like galvantula or sismatoad, so I have an advantage over any pokemon, so I'm my opinion I would go with either rufflet or litwick for your last party member

How this printf get executed?

This is not a question this is a homework assignment. Read your book. The answer is in there. You can also paste that code into a file, compile it, and run it to have your answer in about 30 seconds.

Anime Style PS3 Games...?

Eternal Sonata is a great game, RPG elements, leveling up, and all that other good stuff. Learn a bit of history while you're at it too.

The Nine Lives of Chloe King Theme Song?

i've been searching everywhere, but can't find it! you know that little snippet of a song they play in the theme of the show, where it shows the bay bridge and it goes to Chloe landing on a roof and the camera zooms into her cat eye..? what is the song they play in that background? the lyrics are something like, "when worlds collide, i come alive..." but i cant find the name of the song or anything! does anyone know it!? thanks

Details on history of slavery?

2. There is still slavery in Sudan and in Mauritania. I guess in Mauritania it is official abandoned, but freeing the slaves is not enforced.

Newborn Baby and Husband's Spoiled Dog? Help?

You need to make your husband understand that this problem needs to be addressed as you have a baby on the way, with an undisciplined dog in the house your child is at risk, particularly as the dog has attacked before, I can't believe your husband is this stupid tbh. As with children dogs need discipline, this way they know their boundaries and are happier and more confident as a result. Someone needs to be boss in the house, otherwise the dog will do it. Your husband needs to be educated on the subject.

How do i put youtube videos into imovie?

I 've researched this about 1,000 times and nothing works. How do i save a youtube video and then play it and edit it on Imovie 11?

Rate my zombie yugioh deck?

Very nice. I'd suggest adding Fushio Richi and/or a Vampire Lord. They're some pretty great zombie-type staples. Overall, 8/10.

Audio editing program with auto tune?

I am looking to make parody songs, and use the crutch of auto tune. I don't mind if the programs are paid, just suggest the best ones. I have Sony Vegas currently, if I can use that.

Could Someone out there edit one photo for me to look cool and popular?

Not just cool and popular by altering it but creative photo making the photo creative? thanks email me at for the photo por favor :) :)

Are there any decent celebrity sex tapes?

ones that show everything instead of just snippets of stuff every now and then? because they're boring..

Cars 2 G rating appropriate?

I saw the movie yesterday. I was disturbed with how these cars were tortured! (indeed, my inner child with its concern wrapped its paws around the idea of the cars that were killed got fixed) And look at how these cars are consuming martinis! I actually found that funny, but I saw several parents and their little kids get up and leave throughout the movie. I thought maybe this Pixar film deserved a PG13, PG rating? I liked the graphics, animation, and adventure and snippets of humor, but in all, it is DEFIANTLY not my favorite movie. So, what do you think about the movie and what is should be rated?

Is this an okay short story? its for my coursework - original writing?

Okay umm wow. I usually don't care how long questions are but this time I gotta say way too long. But read quite a bit of it. From what I read it was extraordinary writing.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Photo editing/ designing computer software?

A couple of months ago I came across a program for designing and editing pictures i think. all i know is that it has a chameleon on the box of the program. it has its own website and i have no idea what it's called. that's what i hope to find out. when i asked other people they told me that it was akvis chameleon, but it is not.

Would like to link/ auto sync files from network to FTP site - How?

If a file is updated/ edited on the server, how do I link it to auto-sync with the same file that is uploaded to the FTP site?

How do I get the grid off microsoft word 2010? URGENT HELP NEEDED (please)!?

I accidentally clicked something that made the background of every document I make little squares like a grid. i am using microsoft word 2011 and I need it now to do some editing to something which needs to be typed so I really need Microsoft Word now! Any help is GREATLY appreciated!

I saw snippets for a documentary?

Looks as though they had just seen their favourite team - Green Bay Packers loose to the Chicago Bears.

Is there a way to watch the entire trial of the Casey Anthony court case?

Instead of watching snippets or clips of whats happening in the court room, I want to watch the whole thing. Is there a place online where I can do that?

How do you get a horse to stand still?

i'm riding this horse who is green and i guess she never learned to stand still but when i have her all tacked up and enter the arena and stop in the middle to put down my stirrups she just trys to walk off and since i'm holding on the reins trying to halt her she just walks around me cause thats the only place she can go. another example is when i have her on a halter and lead rope and halt her at the cross ties she tries to keep going but since i'm standing still trying to halt her she walks around me and we have to do circles until she finaly stands straight. i'm sorry if im not clear in my description i'll edit if you don't undersstand

Does the SAMSUNG SMX-F401SP/XEU edit in Windows Movie Maker?

I couldn't find the specs for this camera anywhere. It's been discontinued by Samsung. If I had to guess, I'd say that you'll have to convert the videos it produces before you can use them in Movie Maker. I say this because 99% of the videos produced by cameras, video cameras and phones have to be converted before using in Movie Maker. Converting is very easy to do and you get used to having to do it. I recently began using Freemake video converter because I needed something to convert my AVCHD (HD Lite) videos and the converter I had been using to convert MOV files was 5 years old. It was time for something new and Freemake had very good reviews and promised a clean download with no extra "goodies" I didn't want.

CHI keratin mist???????????

I recently bought the CHI keratin mist, leave in straightening treatment. I was wondering how to use it and what it does because it doesn't have much detail. My problem is that whenever I straighten my hair, it only stays straight for a few hours, then starts to wave again. Will this stuff help keep my hair straight? Also, how do you use it, like steps please? THANKS!! :)

Source of video or info on it?

I was browsing when i looked through the archives and there is one video which is a compilation of all messed up stuff and there was one bit where the camera seemed to be in a basement up close on someones face and there is something crawling around behind him like a sloth with a mask on. It is extremely creepy trust me. SO anyway the guy crawls up next to the guy and stands up to reveal its a human although he is covered in a black outfit and two masks, the one on his face looking like a italian plague doctors mask. He then shows his hand which has freddy krueger looking claws and all the while the man who is close up looks petrified. I dont know if its from a movie or what but it stuck with me and i would like to know the background or supposedness regarding the video. The clip shown on the video is approx. 10 seconds and I'm sorry i cant link the video as it contains some scenes of nudity which are seperate from the snippet i mentioned. If you want to go to by yourself go to browse articles, go to very phucked up, and you have to scroll a couple of pages. Thanks a bunch to anyone who could provide any morsel of information on the clip

What song is this??????????

it's definitely not a new song because i remember listening to it when i was 4 ish years old (i'm 15 now) and i only remember a few snippets of lyrics : "sunny days oh yeah" "when i think back to all the crap i learned in high school" or something along the lines of that... i cant remember anything else but i really want to here this song. If it helps i remembered those little parts when i was listening to the song " have you ever seen the rain" by creedence clearwater revival, even though it sounds nothing like it

What do you think of this character of mine?

I love your character!! Ive made characters myself. my fave character that I have made is named Ryley Ambrosia. she is half valkyrie & half witch. she is in a wiccan covent. since she is a valkyrie, she has small fangs and pointy ears (like an elf) she has the ability to see the future (soothsayer) & can read peoples minds. she has long black hair, green eyes (changes when feeling certain emotions), a perfect nose, and plump red lips. I write my own stories & she is the main character in the one I started. its cool to see that other people out there have an awesome imagination! :)

Can trolling and spamming be forgiven as well as impersonation?

Depends on the people, or the rules or what you did.. LOL but .. IT'S POSSIBLE TO TALK YOUR WAY OUT OF ANYTHING...almost anything lol.. but I suppose not in this case, sorry for your loss, good sir?.

Perfume advice for a soon-to-be 8th grader?

Please help! 10 easy points! I am looking for a long-lasting fragrance that i will enjoy, and that will not be too overpowering for a middle school scene. I have recently looked online, and it looks like the Katy Perry fragrance Purr looks cool, is it good? and I also looked online at the Victoria Secret Bombshell Summer, is it too overpowering? Some stuff on looks cool like The Body Mist, and PINK soft and dreamy. But, i really do have so many PINK fragrances, i have alot beauty rushes. 2 can u please suggest something that A. is not too overpowering 2. Not hundreds of dollars C. smeells nice. For this upcoming year, should i set out for a autumn-y scent? Cuz i kinda am lovin the summer-y scents. Also, how do ya feel about the Hollister scents? Please help! i know this is alot of information, but any advice is appreciated!

What should i do buy a new one or fix the old one?

Before buying the car you should also compare insurance prices for these cars to estimate how much you will really pay for it -

Some really picture editing programs?

I need some things that are really close to SAI or Photoshop, but I don't have money for that stuff. |D Do you think you could make some suggestions? I already have Gimp and, they don't work for what I need.

How to write a scene like this (More details inside!)?

My main character goes to a celebration where stories are told yet she can't, for plot reasons, listen to them. How do I write the scene if she has to pass by story tellers and she might also be told to sit and listen? Not listening to the stories being told is what sets the plot in motion. Should I just have her hear interesting but not to revealing story snippets as she passes and then have her hear the whole story at the end of my book? My story is told in limited third person point of view. Thanks. :)

Why do people like screamo?

It's not even real metal. The vocals are whiny high pitched.. Screams? And even when they try to mix metal in with it, its just embarassing. And the singing sounds like a mopey emo kid. It never will be able to stand next to bands like Funeral Mist, Marduk, Torture Killer, Six Feet Under, Rotting Christ, and other great Black Metal and Death Metal bands. Why are those fake vocals even classified as vocals at all?

How do you like this scene?

I personally like it very much. This is very much how it is daily in the high school I am about to graduate from. Depending on your main focus for the subject of the story and the length, I like long and adventurous stories, I would read it the moment I could. this story is very relate-able to a place many people have been: School. This is also a scenario that goes through almost everyone has head that is single and looking. Love it and would buy it depending on the overall goal of the book.

I had a strange experience, can anyone help me out?

This afternoon I was laying on my bed, eyes closed, yet not asleep. Then, well, I'm not sure how to describe it.. I became encapsulated into a mist and I saw a woman with short blonde hair who looked very sophisticated. She eminated evil. She was muttering gibberish, then she said.. ''I killed them, I killed 'em.. I killed my children''. Then all of the sudden, these flashes of children's images appeared. They were deathly pale and had black eyes, with cuts all over them. They stared and looked so lifeless. I tried to 'get out' of this state, but I found myself in some sort of paralysis, I couldn't open my eyes or move any of my limbs. I began to panic and after aprox ten minutes I was able to wrench my eyelids open. I was truly horrified by this, I cried. The looks on the children's faces were truly haunting and the woman's evilness left a residue which I could still feel. I'm really confused, and I'm certain it was not a dream, does anyone have any ideas?

Were can i find more scooby doo pictures like this?

Ok velma is wearing a orange sling shot with a real small skirt and brown boots with cuts all over her legs and face and she holding a shot gun. And scooby looks like a real bad *** great dane boxer looking dog with pointy ears and a real looking dog face he looks like a muscular pit bull with pointy ears staring into the mist with a cut off hand in his mouth. Do u know. Were I can find more please help

I need help with the IC in this circuit?

Pin 8 goes to +9V, Pin 4 goes to ground. See the datasheet at a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Facebook status problem?

Ok, so i wanted to put something as my status but it has over 160 words so they wanted me to edit it into a note, which really in my opinion nobody reads anyway and i really think this status is very inspiring. So, can someone please help me so i can put the full thing as my status rather than a note. And also i don't want to make it shorter or delete anything its more like a quote so if anybody can help me please answer!:)

Imvu - Profile editing?

I saw this girls' profile page on an online virtual chat site, imvu, and I really liked her profile, but I don't remember her name. Anyway, I remember seeing like, her about me panel and I really liked how it looked. It was the shape of a purple heart and I researched everywhere for a code of some sort and never found one. Does anyone know how she may have done this? Any codes would be wonderful. Thank you.

11 year old kid+House of 1000 Corpses=? Anwser it by 5 please.?

Why not? The movie is great and really not that bad. If he has truly seen the list above then he should be fine.

Thoughts on my writing?

Well, you've got a great vocabulary and an interesting writing style. :) This little excerpt, however, seems more like a rambling of thoughts and feelings. Which is fine, actually--I do this when I write just to get my fingers moving on the keyboard. I call it 'pre-writing', when you're just getting your thoughts and ideas down on paper. It helps so much when you're having writer's block or you're trying to write for a prompt! But a pre-write is not a final draft in any form. You should try to go through this paragraph, pick out a few interesting ideas or statements, and then write again focusing on those ideas. You might end up with something really cool or even the beginnings of a story. :)

How do i make a video on windows movie maker?

I know how to edit and stuff, but i cant figure it out how to get the video into the software. Help Please

Is $50 too much to spend on skin care products?

Just wondering how much everyone is spending per month on all their skin creams, makeup, lotions, etc.A big part of it is facial skin care and he said you’ve got to tend to that skin on your upper chest too. I know others who spend $50. The most important thing about the price of skin care products, as for any cosmetic, is that it be a price you can afford. If you want to economize, it can be done.

My juvenile bearded dragon bit me. :(?

You probably just scared him/her with a sudden move-meant, I do this from time to time just slow down your move-meant and it should be fine. Also if you make your-self smaller he should see you as a smaller threat and be more trustful of you. When I first got mine i would lay down on the floor near is cage until he got used to me.

What's going to happen in the next Twilight movie: Breaking Dawn?

You're going to be pretty surprised... Their friendship is a little nuts at first, but then it gets tons better after they have the human/vampire baby that Jacob falls in love with. Its called imprinting. Bella is turned into a vampire right after the birth, to save her life. Spoiler Alert.

How do I edit my Sims family Tree on the Sims lifestories?

Ok so I'm playing The Sims Life Stories and i had kids with the L and D tombstone cheat and when i look at the family tree they're not there. so how can i edit it so that they are? also how do change my sims last name

Can you name this Hong Kong film?

Random guess, "I Love Hong Kong." Random, because I haven't seen it, I'm just going off of keywords and trailer snippets.

How do i help my brother in law with PTSD?

Encourage him to contact military one source. It is free to military members and there families. I used it myself after my last deployment and got the help I needed it was life changing. Nothing that goes on when u contact military one source will be told to anyone including his chain of command. I hopes this helps and he can get the help he needs.

Html doesn't work on tumblr page?

whatever you want to put in, copy the link of what you want and put it in the info (description) box, it worked for me ...

I dream of the future?

This is a little hard to explain... but ever since I was seven I've been able to dream of the future accurately. The dream would only be snippets of a certain scene and then it will end. The dreams come true on different days, once it took a month for it to happen and example of this was when I dreamt about my brother approaching me from a certain angle of the living and when he finally reached me I saw there was a huge swell above his eye on the eyebrow area, within a month the exact scene happened in reality. These incidents of dreams coming true happen increasingly as I grow older but the funny thing is I forget them! The weird part is that when something does happen I suddenly remember my dream and I am able to predict what will happen next. Is this ability normal? and what is it exactly? Thanx.

State name for my book?

i need a real state, but it has to sound right with the town name. the town's name is Misty Falls. it's called that because there is a waterfall in town. it's a fairly large water fall, and a very small town, but the mist from the water fall can be seen for half a mile sometimes. misty falls is just a made up name, but i've decided to use a real state. please help me? thanks! :)

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Can you edit the leagues on fifa?

I was wondering if on Fifa 11 you can edit the leagues, ie. the teams in each league, ie. relegated teams moving down and promoted teams moving up,? For example my team QPR have been promoted, so i would like to put them in the premiership and play a prem season on fifa 11 instead of waiting for fifa 12 to come out. Help would be appreciated if this can be done :)

What do you think about this idea?

I think its really good. if this is the beginning, then this is a good hook-- i wanted to keep reading it! keep going! i encourage you :)

New google layout....?

Disable the auto complete option from the browser and then delete cookies and temp files or any saved information in the browser and then check if that resolved your issue.

Free Pic Editing Sites?

i'm tired of picnic.. and i dont like using photobucket.. so are there anymore good places to go to edit pictures for free?

Where,in Ohio, can I look at a 2012 Honda Civic Coupe in the color Cool Mist Metallic?

I can not find any dealers in Ohio that have the color of Cool Mist Metallic on the 2012 civic coupe. Wanting to look at it before I buy.

Photoshop doll portrait tutorials?

To me it simply looks like blurring over the skin, and shadows using the burn tool to create the separation of the arm. Plus the eyes have been enlarged

Why do people think Dragon Ball Kai is for little kids?

i mean are people RETARDED i like DBZ a lot more but i still like Kai people are watching the Nicktoons and 4kidstv version when they don't know DB Kai on DVD is uncut/unedited OF COURSE it's gonna be edited on those kids channel,people think kai is a cleaner and more cencoring version for kids when its NOT,the original uncut version is the same as DBZ they have the blood,and swearing (a little more than Z) it's almost the same as Z it just has no fillers

Funny snippet i came across.....?

That is very funny! I think tomorrow (Saturday) should be really good if the rain holds off: Federer, Nadal, Djokovic, Serena Williams, Baghdatis and Monfils all due to play.

How do most people insert their blog posts into my database?

i have my own website and now i am trying to build my own blog engine (i configure my own database and dont want to use any cms such as joomla or wordpress). my plan is to write my blog entry(will include some HTML markup, something like


) into the mySQL database, and then pull the result from there with help of server side language like PHP and archive them(5 posts each page..), insert them within my html website, and so on and so on style them using CSS. but what if in one of my blog posts i want to put some code snippet/something? isn it gonna be trouble some to insert something like that into the database? what kind of markups are available for me in this case? anybody has better suggestion?

Is there a website that i can use to edit my photos for free? ?

Me and some friends are creating a mixtape and we trying to design a good cover. Anything will help!! Thanks.

Isn't life inherently bad?

You bring up some good points, which make life less pleasant. However, there are also many good feelings in life, which people enjoy. For most, these outweigh the negative sides. It can be difficult to argue "good" vs. "bad", but life is certainly popular: for us sapient beings, life is a choice. If we do not work to sustain ourselves, we die. If people disliked life all that much they'd end it. (and some do)

How to fake a twin and make your friends believe you?

Hi!Okay so I told my friends I have a twin(I really don't) and the reason she doesn't go to our school is because she goes to a magnet school!I even posted (an edited) picture of us on a website and they still don't believe me!So they invited the "both" of us to a party and I have no idea what to do!If I say that she's sick or something then they won't believe me at all!Please help me!Thank you!

Whats the name of this song? it goe ohh oh oh oh oh ohh?

I thought you were referring to ' baby ' for a minute! Oh goodness. checked the comments? On YouTube?

Rate my BlackWing Deck?

I recommend that you add 1 or2 Vayu, and adding Spirit reaper also wouldn't hurt. Elphin isn't that good, so take him out for a another Bora. Good luck!

I really need some volunteers to help me edit my photos?

email me at my bf email for receiving the photos. THEYRE NOT BLURRY. I just need you to edit them for me i will give you specific details for each photo thanks. or just give me your email xoxo

What's the difference (other than the obvious) between shimmer mist and body mist?

xD I know one of them has shimmer and one doesn't but do they both have the same scent? I want to buy a fragrance from Victoria Secret & the shimmer mist of the scent I want is cheaper. It would practically be the same as body mist just.. sparkly right?(:

Was your labour painful?

First of all I wud say dat each labour is different from de Oder depending on persons.thankfully by gods grace I was in labour only for a short period of time.I used to take brisk walks a lot during my last 3 to 4 weeks.that helped a lot.and prayers are a must......good luck...u will enjoy de tiny gift u r gonna get at de end of dis journey...

Debating wether to keep my water dragon or sell it.?

It is an awesome pet sub-adult male but I rather go for something more along the lines of a bearded dragon or tortoise, they are easier and if breed sell for a decent buck. I think I will have a yard sale and sell him for 100 bucks oBo, with 70 being the lowest I can go. How much should I sell my water dragon for, most don't make it out childhood and I am selling him with a big 3 foot tank and extras. Will I lose money or gain money by selling him. My next pet would be a bearded dragon or a sulcata tortoise. Seriously though I spent like 70 bucks on the pet before him and then rehomed him here after a trade, getting back what I put in and possibly worse losing money. Should I just sell him or him and the tank. Obviously no one is going to want a big *** sub-adult Chinese water dragon for a pet in my area, they might want the combo deal for 100 or 150 bucks or so though. IDK cause he is kind of cool and meets the same requirements as my brothers jackson chameleon as far as misting, humidity, and stuff. Also need money for college, and stay away from reptiles cause I have a puppy that needs his shots/deworming and stuff. A good word would be Rehoming on craigslist hahha. But yeah I need money for college and a decent car, after that i will need extra money on the side to fix it or do oil changes. and I am afraid I am going to be consumed with trying to get a degree so much I will forget about the poor bastard. He is badass, I'm not going to lie but he will be 3 feet soon including tail and I will need a miracle for him to survive in his current enclosure. Honestly though his food and everything is going to come out expensive but I'll keep him if I have to, but, right now I am thinking about getting on craigslist and selling a bunch of **** I have in the house that can easily be someone else treasure but right now my garage is consumed and I will need to do a garage sale to put my reptiles in the garage, especially the water dragon or future pet I buy I can make a custom enclosure for them.

What should i be when i grow up?

Graphic designer or digital media (film making) photography or video games designer or actor or film set designer? You seem creative and hands on person so mic both and you get the above. What about Illustrator?

Can you help me name this parody movie?

It is basically a movie parodying many hit movies including willy wonka and the chocolate factory, harry potter, Narnia, amongst many others. My parents saw it the other night on tv and started to describe it those parts to me and now i really want to see it. It basically has little snippets of movies but they are parodies and are all linked together the willy wonka section included a part where wonka knocked off one of the kids heads into a pool of yellow candy coating and takes it out and puts it into a giant box of lemon heads, it sounded hilarious.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

How do I edit photos like this?

Photoshop, but if you want the free thing which does almost anything download GIMP. The picture you posted is two pictures merged together. The way you would do this is by first taking your picture of yourself that you want, then finding a picture of the pretty stars, and in the program you would "Add Layer" and the stars will be the second layer, which laysover the picture of you, and then all you do is lower the opacity so it becomes translucent :)

How to edit your videos like these youtubers? (That cutting-like effect)?

Didnt watch them, but its called a transition. Almost all video editing software has it, even something as awful as Windows Movie Maker. Fades, cutting, moving, pixelation, etc. are all examples of this.

How are the people in your city reacting to the rapture theory?

Everyone in Chicago was talking about it. The rapture is to start in 2 hours and 30 minuets in New Zealand at 6:00 P.M. local time.

Rate and fix my dragon deck?

Theres a ritual card called paladin of white dragon that i think is good and it can be tribute to special summon blue eyes white dragon from your deck or hand.

Help with writing a book please?

Hi, I have a bunch of 'snippets' about a page long each (hundreds of them) that I write when I am on public transport and I'm thinking of trying to put it all together into a book. My problem is trying to create and weave together these snippets with a story line. The snippets are mostly about 2 girls, one is your average 27 yo professional writer, one is living a live of debauchery and turmoil amongst her many love-lives and somehow their paths meet. So basically I'm asking for some tips on how to write a book or string together these snippets. I find I'm very good at setting a scene or a feeling but when it comes to having a beginning and an end to a story I get very stuck. I'm not looking to make money on the book, it's just something I'd like to achieve one day - to tie together my writings. Thanks

Do you think any of these pictures are good?

no, not really... no real imagination in the shots... they are snapshots without consideration for composition...

Reptarium for Chinese Water Dragon?

I need to upgrade my Chinese Water Dragon enclosure and found a 260 gallon, 2 ft by 2 ft and 6 feet high Reptarium. Is this a good enclosure? It is mesh, I am getting a misting system with 5 misters all the way down and a time to go along with it for humidity. Plus i will have an undertank heater to heat the cocunut fiber and water tub. I have good heating and UVB. I am also getting cimbing vines, along with water drip vines. Also hanging plants, with three hammocks. My CWD is 11 inches snout to end of tail, so i want this cage to last a while. Please give suggestions!

Is my belly button ring rejecting or is it infected?

I just got my belly button pierced on the 15th (of june) and Ive been cleaning it twice a day with Dial soap and sea sift nasal mist (?) and after ward ive been putting on H2Ocean (also during the day I put H2Ocean on) at the top of the piercing (barbell) its kinda red below the top ball. There has also been crusting on it. It looks a little swelled up but is this normal ? It doesn't hurt or anything however. Pleasee help.

Can someone tell me if you hate my narrator?

He sounds how I sounded at 14- angry, sarcastic, and with an "I-don't-give-a-f*ck" attitude.

Revealing sexual orientation during job interview?

I am a lesbian interviewing for a job with a not for profit organization, this is a direct snippet from their affirmative action plan ".... our affirmative action plan currently concentrates on recruitment of people from four groups for its staff and committees: third world people; women; gay, lesbian, and bisexual people; and people with disabilities"... I want to be open at my new job would it be ok to reveal my sexuality during the interview?

Is Fullmetal Alchemist an artistically fulfilling show?

i definitely recommend you watch this show because i have even watched the whole series a couple times and including the movie. and yes the brothers relationship is very deep as a half-concept of the whole story. and of course its point of view of alchemy is exaggerated but it really works considering.. hey its just a show. and yes this show does include your common anime pauses and "shocked looks" that anime shows always use but unlike some animes it did well with the voice acting and lip syncing. i would think you are underestimating anime cus there can be some interesting and entertaining shows out there like code geass or something. and to answer your last question, yes i think just about every character you find in the show will introduce themselves fairly deeply. all in all its a very deep, emotional and entertaining choice of a show. hope you enjoy the rest of it :)

What is a solid photo editing program?

I'd have to say Adobe Photoshop would be the best... I use it personally and its extremely easy to use but at the same time it gives you professional looking results. I've tried many others but so far adobe's done the best for me. Hopefully it can do the same for you... here's a link to the site: